
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Political Pulley System

After my blog post yesterday, a few friends thought I should elaborate more about what I mean by the political pulley system?

You see, I am not sure if you are like me or not?

Throughout life I just notice how passionate some people are, and how passionate some people are not about politics. More often than not, I have met people who share both republican values and democratic values, even though many belong to one party or the other.

I pay attention to the critics, as well. The other side of the coin.

You may have also noticed that others have a different perspective? Do you understand how they believe differently based on their experiences?

It is hard to believe one political party is truly better than the other? You see, in one election year, corporations are giving money to one political party.

Come next election year, the money will stay with that political party as long as business is good. If business is not going in a corporations favor, that business is likely to fund the current politician's opponent.

Alex Jones has been reporting about this for years at InfoWars. The battle of information seeking the truth.

Does this sound familiar? Have you experienced one president making promises, and once in office doing the opposite? Have you witnessed each president criticized for one thing or another?

Jesse Ventura, ex Navy Seal, former Governor of MN, author of "American Conspiracies" in his Larry King Live interview said, "everyone should be an independent".

Also published yesterday was another counter think cartoon - "America Today", by Mike Adams, the Natural News editor.

Mike sums up America's six biggest problems with six different counter think cartoons.

#1 Medicated Drivers
#2 Counterfeit Money Supply
#3 Zombie Population
#4 Washington Whores
#5 Gunpoint Medicine
#6 Toxic Food Supply

Now, I have been reading Natural News for quite some time, so I am familiar with Mike Adams opinions. I appreciate Mike's perspective, but I have my own.

The financial system controls the political system, thus using police and army forces to regulate for it. The financial system operates based on the US dollar, but the world economy is based on the US Consumer's demand.

If you are looking to understand this further. Annie Lenard tells The Story of Stuff, as part of The Story of Stuff Project.

Therefore, I really do not think the financial system is the consumers biggest issue. The idea is highlighted in "Robin Hood" (2010), there will always be kings and peasants. As long as the king is just, then there is no reason for Robin Hood to exist.

Feel free to refer back to my earlier blog post on "Life is a Pyramid!".

Mike Adams point #2 Counterfeit Money Supply is the wrong focal point of the problem. A solution is for the consumer to understand how the financial system works.

The financial system works based on economics; the law of supply and demand. When you the consumer spends money, you are voting and demanding for that way of life.

Corporations use marketing with partial truths to persuade you, the consumer, to spend your money. Basically voting for their company to exist. If the corporation had no customers then they would not be in business.

The lack of financial knowledge allows Mike Adams five other points to exist. Each of his other problems are all about where the money is flowing. Mike Adams points out the problems, but he does not provide the solutions.

Do you think the problems are too big? Do you find political issues make you feel helpless?

I call this battle the political pulley system. The financial system uses the two political parties to pull the emotions of the consumers back and forth between one party and the other. The current system never really provides you with a solution to live your life with sustainable habits.

In my next post, I am going to point out the solutions the consumers need to know about in order to better address the issues facing America, and the world. You making daily habit changes, and leading by example is what will change our world.

P.S. Big ups to Trey Smith for his T-shirt "Think Globally, Act Locally", which he wore at List Control. This mindset goes along ways towards making the world sustainable.

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