
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Why Robert Kiyosaki?

Now, I for one I am all about capitalism, I do understand why others are against it, but if everyone understood the rules of money, then they may want to play the game. Robert Kiyosaki teaches the game!

I appreciate all the financial insight of Robert because he gives people the financial tools to learn to play the game. As an entrepreneur you pay taxes last, not first. I am not saying entrepreneurs do not pay taxes, they pay plenty of them.

In Europe, France, Germany, and Italy are all coming out of recessions. Each of those governments is supporting the local, small businesses (capitalism). To me, this makes sense! Everyone is always talking about supporting local and buying domestic; do business with people that do business with you; and always help your neighbor. To me, Robert only makes sense because if everyone treated their lives as a business this would help create more of a flat tax and more people would pay taxes last.

America is no longer a country of manufacturing and industry. We are a service and knowledge base economy. In order for America to continue to grow and maintain being the strongest country in the world more people need to accept this role of being an entrepreneur. Robert predicts that the next strongest country to come out of this current world affair; will be the first country whom teaches the majority of its citizens about “Cash Flow”, giving them a financial education.

Robert, for instance, utilized his business skills, in order to protect himself, so that he could produce an intellectual piece of property, and use it to teach financial education.

Parents can teach children so they learn they have to work. An example would be helping out around the house. For helping out around the house the parents could pay them an allowance. Now this is only received if the tasks are completed. Sort of like the real world, if you do not work, you do not get paid.

When paying your children you can do things, such as teach them about taxes by physically taking back 50% of what their allowance is. That tax helps them eat and go on vacation, for example. 10% could be kept as a tide, religious purposes or give to others, so they can give to you type life lessons. Parents can start teaching a financial education even if our school system does not.

Robert Kiyosaki has made billions and continues to make more millions. He is like any other internet marketer, he has succeeded, and as he succeeded he has led others along the way. He has formed a system and a team. He teaches this system he calls the “B-I Triangle”.

Robert’s career is different from internet marketing because he has done it “old school”. He published books as intellectual property and produced a board game. It was not until his most recent book, “Conspiracy of the Rich” that he started using the internet. I mean, he published the book based on content he was creating at that very moment. Knowing he was now going to start reaching the online audience, but published the book to reach his book readers network.

In, “Before you Quit your Day Job”, Robert tells of how he learned and developed into the entrepreneur that he is today! This book entails his failures and how he was able to learn a lesson from them. He speaks of developing himself. To me this is just him going through the different levels of the Graves System. Remember all humans develop through different mental phases as they learn and adapt.

Let me recap the highlights all internet marketers use too!
  • He has a system, “B-I Triangle”
  • He tells a story, through his books, which allow him to hit emotional triggers
  • He speaks in scarcity, this is what is happening now
  • As he has developed, he has been able to develop “product”
  • The people he creates a relationship with, that grow to trust him, are his future revenues
Even though Robert was late to the internet, Robert Kiyosaki is the ultimate mentor and MLM Company. He trains and educates, he speaks from experience, and his system is the ultimate business model. Other peoples systems are part of his system; systems are part of the “B-I Triangle”. Just like life is a pyramid, the “B-I Triangle” is a pyramid.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for the great information once again. I am going to attempt to implement a system like that with my three very spoiled children. With hopes they can learn the value of cash flow. Hopefully teaching them to avoid the hell and stress I have by doing it all wrong for a long time. When I had it, I didn't value it and that was a huge mistake....I can make a difference in the next generation. Keep it comin' Joe.