
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Plastic Pollution Coalition

Watching the video made me so mad. Too many people are going to watch this video, and do nothing about their life to change plastic pollution. Will you do something about it?

Our today is forever, plastic does not biodegrade.

We have one planet to live on and we need to ensure sustainable habits to prevent destroying the world. As I have grown up, I have witnessed more species become endangered; I have seen our coral reefs deteriorating.

For me it is like the people of the colonies uniting for freedom. The people in today's world must do everything in their power to get off oil and the bi-products of oil.

Oil is being used everywhere, and it will take a long time, but the information is available for the consumer to purchase alternatives, therefore no longer creating a demand for oil.

This video is not even about the oil spewing into the Gulf of Mexico. The accident was caused by the rules we have in place encouraging investors to invest in oil.

Hence, foolish and greedy behavior resulted in the tragedy we currently face.

The rules make investing in oil financially a smart thing to do, it fuels our spending habits. Wars are fought over oil, yet one day there will no longer be oil. The problem is investors want big returns encouraging future drilling for oil.


Today is forever, so you and I need to decrease our oil consumption, quit consuming oil bi-products, and demand our politicians make sustainable changes.

Give investors the incentive to change America's infrastructure.

Our bodies are 70% water, it is crucial for us to protect the worlds water system. Our food is grown from our soils and the water seeps through the soil, so it is imperative to have clean soil.

Our skin is our largest organ, polluting it with chemicals made up of oil bi-products, and showering in water contaminated with harmful chemicals is dangerous to our health.

To solve a big portion of the plastic problem, stop drinking the beverage products packaged in plastic, which are actually dehydrating you.

Start bottling water from home. Filtered water is the best solution to drinking water. When bottling filtered water from your home, harmful contaminants are removed. Plastic is not used in the bottling process, fuel for transportation is decreased, and the decrease of demand for products lessens overall oil consumption.

Poison for our bodies, poison for our water system, poison for our soils... Oil is poison for our planet!

Learn more about filtered water here.

Imagine a world where you knew you were always getting clean, filtered water.

P.S. You too can follow the Plastic Pollution Coalition on FB here.

P.S.S. Stephanie Soechtig thank you for living to be extraordinary. Cheers!

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