
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Just A Plant

I finally was able to watch "How Weed Won The West", from the producers of the "American Drug War". Another one of about fifty documentaries regarding the benefits of a simple plant.

A beneficial plant in its entirety; the stem (fiber), the seeds, the oil, and the flower. Of course, like many plants, there are multiple strains with different benefits.

The benefits include:

1) Grows well in many different environments giving the plant great ability to decrease CO2 emissions.

2) Can be substituted for paper products instead of trees; using less chemicals in the pulp process.

3) Can be used for clothing and does not require pesticides like cotton.

4) Provides health benefits for both preventative care and medicinal purposes.

What might this miraculous plant be?


Not only does growing hemp help with the greenhouse gas effect of CO2, but its production for paper could save countless species being destroyed preventing the destruction of rain forests.

Hemp has four times the amount of fiber compared to pine trees. Pine based pulp only has three cycles for recycling versus the seven rotations provided by hemp pulp.

The fiber of hemp is one of the longest and strongest. Hemp can be grown without any harsh chemicals such as herbicides or pesticides; making it much more ecologically friendly.

Imagine to go containers from restaurants being made from hemp, rather than styrofoam, plastic, or even recycled paper. This would reduce the demand for oil, and would utilize less chemicals than the process of using recycled paper.

Hemp has a 3:1 ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3, which is optimal for the human body. Many farm raised fish and commercial omega supplements do not even offer this perfect ratio. The seeds or oil can be consumed to gain these benefits into your diet.

Currently in the United States hemp products are mostly imported from Canada. This is taking away potential jobs from Americans and increasing the consumption of oil during the transportation of the products.

Each of the hemp plants described thus far are a strand of hemp with little to no THC, known as industrial hemp. This plant is not a drug!

However, the flower of many other strains is rising in popularity as the prescription of choice. The oil from these strains can be used for medicinal purposes as well. The flower can be smoked, vaporized, or eaten.

Many cancer, HIV, or patients with chronic pain or anxiety and depression are discovering this medicine replaces many of the prescription drugs being prescribed. The flower comes without the side effects of prescription drugs as an added benefit.

The point at the end of "How Weed Won the West," made by Alex Jones, was that legalizing this wonderful plant, hemp, is not all about legalizing a drug. Alex Jones ensures in the movie he is not a smoker. Whether you smoke or not, you need to be participating in the conversation to make this legal legislation for each State to decide for themselves.

Decreasing the "criminals" in our courts system, lessening the prison population, and lowering tax dollars are all just another added benefit. :-)

Do you see the financial system controlling the government here in a way that is harmful for our environment? I feel like the world is oblivious to this.

Here are the facts, this plant called hemp is as incredible as described including all the environmental benefits, but here is the ugly truth.

If this plant were grown regularly the financial system would not be creating debt to pay for the war on drugs; the pharmaceutical companies would make far less money; the logging industry would be forever changed; oil products would be consumed at a much slower rate; chemical companies sales would be slashed; the judicial system would have fewer employees; the demand for lawyers would decrease.

As you can see all the big players making all the dough are going to lose.

Time for you and all your friends to start participating in the conversation for legalization. If not, the global environment will continue to suffer.

Water ways will continue to be polluted. The CO2 gases will continue to rise as more, and more rain forests are destroyed.

A great organization to get involved with and support is NORML, The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.

P.S. If you want to hear the financial system information from another perspective, please check out Annie Leonard in "The Story of Stuff".

P.S.S. Find more FAQ here.

P.S.S.S. Purchase hemp seeds or oil here. Find out first hand the benefits of eating them for yourself.

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