Mike Adams has me fired up again. The new CounterThink cartoon article is completely radical. The cartoon does a great job of making one think about our current world, but then Mike Adams wrote at a low psychological level of thinking.
Mike is spewing from the mouth demanding corporate executives be arrested for the disaster in the gulf. The gulf of Mexico is not the first oil contamination of waterways.
Did the CEO really want the disaster to occur?
Did he do something to ensure it would occur?
Is it fair to punish these CEO's and not others of past company problems?
So, why waste tax dollars on trying corporate CEO's in a radical fashion?
Corporations exist because people invest in mutual funds and stocks, which support the cycle of the corporation. Everyday people like you and me are part of "The Story of Stuff", consuming products creating a demand for the corporation to supply the product.
Ultimately demanding the corporation to exist.
"So Mike putting these CEO's on trial is not the answer. Continuing education on how and why a habit betters the world is what is needed. Parents need to change their habits and educate their children as to why the new habit is important."
In the article Mike Adams calls for drastic measures, and drastic measures do not facilitate change. Drastic measures are from extremist.
I had been discussing my recent blogs with my roommate Jay Peterson. He pointed out the previous concept to me about an extremist; providing evidence that modifying daily habits facilitates a larger change.
I love and share the Health Ranger's passion for natural health, and wanting a better world...
I wish he did not communicate on a low psychological level ever. In this piece he is just emotionally stirring the pot using fear, instead of empowering others with knowledge as he usually does.
Mike Adams is a big part of facilitating change, although I have been harsh on him in this writing. His website NaturalNews.com is one of my favorite resources. He is providing the information for people to gather the natural health information they need.
On the last CounterThink cartoon, I accused Mike Adams of not providing solutions. He was only telling people about the problems like the mass media.
I have been blogging about the solutions to those problems. Below I have summarized that list.
1) The financial system rules the world, solution 1 is improving your financial education.
2) Big Corporations are damaging the world, solution 2 is changing where you spend your money and truly thinking about why you are spending it there.
3) Big Corporations are preventing simple solutions, solution 3 is to change the way you spend forcing corporations to change.
4) Laws can be changed, solution 4 is to participate in the conversation; re-elect those who provide change, and I do not mean the marketing hype they use. If they did something positive or noteworthy, you should know it already.
5) Entrepreneurs are leaders who facilitate change in the financial system, solution 5 is educate to create more entrepreneurs.
6) Increase average psychological level, solution 6 is for you to know the differences in psychological levels, and make habits to practice living in the higher level mindsets. Your actions will affect those around you.
7) Improve your health naturally, solution 7 is critical to success. In order for you to have the right mindset and have the energy needed for success; you need to provide your body the essential ingredients.
If you have the fears about our world that Mike Adams points out, like me, then let's live our lives for change together. Life is a team sport.
Here is a list of a few of the team members, besides Mike Adams, I am supporting.
I have to give it up for Annie Leonard, if you are not watching "The Story of Stuff", please do so.
No Impact Man is a great example of a person changing his family and realizing all the wonderful benefits.
Robert Kiyosaki teaches a financial education. His board game "CASH FLOW" allows you to learn the financial system mindset at your pace. Each time you play helps you develop your financial skills as your subconscious allows you to make different decisions in your day to day life.
Alex Jones is a true journalist reporting both sides of the story at InfoWars.com. If Big Media is not reporting the whole truth he is likely to report on it.
These are a few of my biggest influences. If keeping up with all of them is too much for you, keep following me.
When I see some friends in person I notice more and more that they like what I am saying. Although my writings come off sometimes as I know all, I do not!
Please participate in the conversation by leaving your opinion, whether it be a different perspective or words of encouragement. We live in this world together, and together we can facilitate change.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
When I wrote "the political pulley system" post, I chose to provide solutions you need to know about rather than simply pointing out the problems. You and I are subject to the problems of the world through multiple media sources daily. Time for you to stop thinking about the problems and start taking action towards solutions.
A focal point of my blogs have been the importance of understanding the financial system in today's world. You spend your money based on your emotions. A successful financial mindset separates your emotional attachment to money. Money is just a tool for success.
Another point I have been trying to prove to you in my blog; currently money is being supplied in a fashion damaging our world. From outer space looking down on the world it must be like watching an ant farm.
This is "The Story of Stuff" that Annie Leonard shares from her experience of asking questions about life. You, I, and the rest of the consumers are in this cycle of spending money.
The solution is to break your pattern of spending and change your spending for a brighter future.
I watched this post by Gary Vaynerchuk, if you are not familiar with him, he is the author of "Crush It". An excellent book explaining why you can cash in on your passion. Now is the time on the internet to do so.
In the video, Gary Vaynerchuk discusses his next book "The Thankful Economy". In the speech, he explained how all information is recorded in this day and age. He talked about how we have only reached the tip of the iceberg with the value created by the internet.
Gary's belief is the internet's booming expansion will come from baby boomers. Baby boomers will bring back the mom and pop feel to doing business with the customer. Gary is all about being thankful for those who support you.
Gary Vaynerchuk is about the hustle; his hustle is now reaching a new height of appreciation with a higher code of ethics. I am excited to read his next book.
I felt as though I connected with Gary when I read his book; the way he discussed an entrepreneurs passion in "Crush It" and described the potential of the internet. It was everything I knew, but I had done nothing about it the way he had. His story is a wonderful perspective on life's possibilities.
In his speech in the video he also referred to maybe calling his new book, "The Giving a F&*K Economy".
Psychologically people just like you and I are trying to better ourselves. I did not think I would ever swear in my blog; I never want to offend you, but... again I connected with Gary and could feel his passion about just wanting people to care.
Spiral dynamics is the process of psychological development, which is a measure of psychological success. When you succeed more and more, you move up the levels of the psychological scale, spiral dynamics.
The internet is a tool you can use to develop your mindsets for the financial system, personal accountability, and psychological development. No one person has the answer; no one can change the world alone, but you can better those willing to learn from you.
You have to understand the benefits of developing the psychological skills to better the world. The average person in this world needs to be smarter. Are you participating in the conversation to better others?
Together we can improve the psychological level of being average. The top level of spiral dynamics is a spiritual, holistic person. Can you improve your level of thinking to understand this psychology of improving the world?
Learning to tell your story is being grateful for the experiences leading you to this point. It is your story of struggle; how you learned to deal with your emotions in developing this higher level of success.
You caring enough to be thankful for those experiences is a big step in increasing your psychological awareness.
Thank you to each of my friends and family who have been putting up with my bold viewpoints as I have gone through this development; thank you for believing in me. I appreciate all the feedback I have received, and I apologize for being slightly annoying.
A focal point of my blogs have been the importance of understanding the financial system in today's world. You spend your money based on your emotions. A successful financial mindset separates your emotional attachment to money. Money is just a tool for success.
Another point I have been trying to prove to you in my blog; currently money is being supplied in a fashion damaging our world. From outer space looking down on the world it must be like watching an ant farm.
This is "The Story of Stuff" that Annie Leonard shares from her experience of asking questions about life. You, I, and the rest of the consumers are in this cycle of spending money.
The solution is to break your pattern of spending and change your spending for a brighter future.
I watched this post by Gary Vaynerchuk, if you are not familiar with him, he is the author of "Crush It". An excellent book explaining why you can cash in on your passion. Now is the time on the internet to do so.
In the video, Gary Vaynerchuk discusses his next book "The Thankful Economy". In the speech, he explained how all information is recorded in this day and age. He talked about how we have only reached the tip of the iceberg with the value created by the internet.
Gary's belief is the internet's booming expansion will come from baby boomers. Baby boomers will bring back the mom and pop feel to doing business with the customer. Gary is all about being thankful for those who support you.
Gary Vaynerchuk is about the hustle; his hustle is now reaching a new height of appreciation with a higher code of ethics. I am excited to read his next book.
I felt as though I connected with Gary when I read his book; the way he discussed an entrepreneurs passion in "Crush It" and described the potential of the internet. It was everything I knew, but I had done nothing about it the way he had. His story is a wonderful perspective on life's possibilities.
In his speech in the video he also referred to maybe calling his new book, "The Giving a F&*K Economy".
Psychologically people just like you and I are trying to better ourselves. I did not think I would ever swear in my blog; I never want to offend you, but... again I connected with Gary and could feel his passion about just wanting people to care.
Spiral dynamics is the process of psychological development, which is a measure of psychological success. When you succeed more and more, you move up the levels of the psychological scale, spiral dynamics.
The internet is a tool you can use to develop your mindsets for the financial system, personal accountability, and psychological development. No one person has the answer; no one can change the world alone, but you can better those willing to learn from you.
You have to understand the benefits of developing the psychological skills to better the world. The average person in this world needs to be smarter. Are you participating in the conversation to better others?
Together we can improve the psychological level of being average. The top level of spiral dynamics is a spiritual, holistic person. Can you improve your level of thinking to understand this psychology of improving the world?
Learning to tell your story is being grateful for the experiences leading you to this point. It is your story of struggle; how you learned to deal with your emotions in developing this higher level of success.
You caring enough to be thankful for those experiences is a big step in increasing your psychological awareness.
Thank you to each of my friends and family who have been putting up with my bold viewpoints as I have gone through this development; thank you for believing in me. I appreciate all the feedback I have received, and I apologize for being slightly annoying.
Annie Leonard,
Crush It,
Gary Vaynerchuk,
The Story of Stuff
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Just A Plant
I finally was able to watch "How Weed Won The West", from the producers of the "American Drug War". Another one of about fifty documentaries regarding the benefits of a simple plant.
A beneficial plant in its entirety; the stem (fiber), the seeds, the oil, and the flower. Of course, like many plants, there are multiple strains with different benefits.
The benefits include:
1) Grows well in many different environments giving the plant great ability to decrease CO2 emissions.
2) Can be substituted for paper products instead of trees; using less chemicals in the pulp process.
3) Can be used for clothing and does not require pesticides like cotton.
4) Provides health benefits for both preventative care and medicinal purposes.
What might this miraculous plant be?
Not only does growing hemp help with the greenhouse gas effect of CO2, but its production for paper could save countless species being destroyed preventing the destruction of rain forests.
Hemp has four times the amount of fiber compared to pine trees. Pine based pulp only has three cycles for recycling versus the seven rotations provided by hemp pulp.
The fiber of hemp is one of the longest and strongest. Hemp can be grown without any harsh chemicals such as herbicides or pesticides; making it much more ecologically friendly.
Imagine to go containers from restaurants being made from hemp, rather than styrofoam, plastic, or even recycled paper. This would reduce the demand for oil, and would utilize less chemicals than the process of using recycled paper.
Hemp has a 3:1 ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3, which is optimal for the human body. Many farm raised fish and commercial omega supplements do not even offer this perfect ratio. The seeds or oil can be consumed to gain these benefits into your diet.
Currently in the United States hemp products are mostly imported from Canada. This is taking away potential jobs from Americans and increasing the consumption of oil during the transportation of the products.
Each of the hemp plants described thus far are a strand of hemp with little to no THC, known as industrial hemp. This plant is not a drug!
However, the flower of many other strains is rising in popularity as the prescription of choice. The oil from these strains can be used for medicinal purposes as well. The flower can be smoked, vaporized, or eaten.
Many cancer, HIV, or patients with chronic pain or anxiety and depression are discovering this medicine replaces many of the prescription drugs being prescribed. The flower comes without the side effects of prescription drugs as an added benefit.
The point at the end of "How Weed Won the West," made by Alex Jones, was that legalizing this wonderful plant, hemp, is not all about legalizing a drug. Alex Jones ensures in the movie he is not a smoker. Whether you smoke or not, you need to be participating in the conversation to make this legal legislation for each State to decide for themselves.
Decreasing the "criminals" in our courts system, lessening the prison population, and lowering tax dollars are all just another added benefit. :-)
Do you see the financial system controlling the government here in a way that is harmful for our environment? I feel like the world is oblivious to this.
Here are the facts, this plant called hemp is as incredible as described including all the environmental benefits, but here is the ugly truth.
If this plant were grown regularly the financial system would not be creating debt to pay for the war on drugs; the pharmaceutical companies would make far less money; the logging industry would be forever changed; oil products would be consumed at a much slower rate; chemical companies sales would be slashed; the judicial system would have fewer employees; the demand for lawyers would decrease.
As you can see all the big players making all the dough are going to lose.
Time for you and all your friends to start participating in the conversation for legalization. If not, the global environment will continue to suffer.
Water ways will continue to be polluted. The CO2 gases will continue to rise as more, and more rain forests are destroyed.
A great organization to get involved with and support is NORML, The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.
P.S. If you want to hear the financial system information from another perspective, please check out Annie Leonard in "The Story of Stuff".
P.S.S. Find more FAQ here.
P.S.S.S. Purchase hemp seeds or oil here. Find out first hand the benefits of eating them for yourself.
A beneficial plant in its entirety; the stem (fiber), the seeds, the oil, and the flower. Of course, like many plants, there are multiple strains with different benefits.
The benefits include:
1) Grows well in many different environments giving the plant great ability to decrease CO2 emissions.
2) Can be substituted for paper products instead of trees; using less chemicals in the pulp process.
3) Can be used for clothing and does not require pesticides like cotton.
4) Provides health benefits for both preventative care and medicinal purposes.
What might this miraculous plant be?
Not only does growing hemp help with the greenhouse gas effect of CO2, but its production for paper could save countless species being destroyed preventing the destruction of rain forests.
Hemp has four times the amount of fiber compared to pine trees. Pine based pulp only has three cycles for recycling versus the seven rotations provided by hemp pulp.
The fiber of hemp is one of the longest and strongest. Hemp can be grown without any harsh chemicals such as herbicides or pesticides; making it much more ecologically friendly.
Imagine to go containers from restaurants being made from hemp, rather than styrofoam, plastic, or even recycled paper. This would reduce the demand for oil, and would utilize less chemicals than the process of using recycled paper.
Hemp has a 3:1 ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3, which is optimal for the human body. Many farm raised fish and commercial omega supplements do not even offer this perfect ratio. The seeds or oil can be consumed to gain these benefits into your diet.
Currently in the United States hemp products are mostly imported from Canada. This is taking away potential jobs from Americans and increasing the consumption of oil during the transportation of the products.
Each of the hemp plants described thus far are a strand of hemp with little to no THC, known as industrial hemp. This plant is not a drug!
However, the flower of many other strains is rising in popularity as the prescription of choice. The oil from these strains can be used for medicinal purposes as well. The flower can be smoked, vaporized, or eaten.
Many cancer, HIV, or patients with chronic pain or anxiety and depression are discovering this medicine replaces many of the prescription drugs being prescribed. The flower comes without the side effects of prescription drugs as an added benefit.
The point at the end of "How Weed Won the West," made by Alex Jones, was that legalizing this wonderful plant, hemp, is not all about legalizing a drug. Alex Jones ensures in the movie he is not a smoker. Whether you smoke or not, you need to be participating in the conversation to make this legal legislation for each State to decide for themselves.
Decreasing the "criminals" in our courts system, lessening the prison population, and lowering tax dollars are all just another added benefit. :-)
Do you see the financial system controlling the government here in a way that is harmful for our environment? I feel like the world is oblivious to this.
Here are the facts, this plant called hemp is as incredible as described including all the environmental benefits, but here is the ugly truth.
If this plant were grown regularly the financial system would not be creating debt to pay for the war on drugs; the pharmaceutical companies would make far less money; the logging industry would be forever changed; oil products would be consumed at a much slower rate; chemical companies sales would be slashed; the judicial system would have fewer employees; the demand for lawyers would decrease.
As you can see all the big players making all the dough are going to lose.
Time for you and all your friends to start participating in the conversation for legalization. If not, the global environment will continue to suffer.
Water ways will continue to be polluted. The CO2 gases will continue to rise as more, and more rain forests are destroyed.
A great organization to get involved with and support is NORML, The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.
P.S. If you want to hear the financial system information from another perspective, please check out Annie Leonard in "The Story of Stuff".
P.S.S. Find more FAQ here.
P.S.S.S. Purchase hemp seeds or oil here. Find out first hand the benefits of eating them for yourself.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Plastic Pollution Coalition
Watching the video made me so mad. Too many people are going to watch this video, and do nothing about their life to change plastic pollution. Will you do something about it?
Our today is forever, plastic does not biodegrade.
We have one planet to live on and we need to ensure sustainable habits to prevent destroying the world. As I have grown up, I have witnessed more species become endangered; I have seen our coral reefs deteriorating.
For me it is like the people of the colonies uniting for freedom. The people in today's world must do everything in their power to get off oil and the bi-products of oil.
Oil is being used everywhere, and it will take a long time, but the information is available for the consumer to purchase alternatives, therefore no longer creating a demand for oil.
This video is not even about the oil spewing into the Gulf of Mexico. The accident was caused by the rules we have in place encouraging investors to invest in oil.
Hence, foolish and greedy behavior resulted in the tragedy we currently face.
The rules make investing in oil financially a smart thing to do, it fuels our spending habits. Wars are fought over oil, yet one day there will no longer be oil. The problem is investors want big returns encouraging future drilling for oil.
Today is forever, so you and I need to decrease our oil consumption, quit consuming oil bi-products, and demand our politicians make sustainable changes.
Give investors the incentive to change America's infrastructure.
Our bodies are 70% water, it is crucial for us to protect the worlds water system. Our food is grown from our soils and the water seeps through the soil, so it is imperative to have clean soil.
Our skin is our largest organ, polluting it with chemicals made up of oil bi-products, and showering in water contaminated with harmful chemicals is dangerous to our health.
To solve a big portion of the plastic problem, stop drinking the beverage products packaged in plastic, which are actually dehydrating you.
Start bottling water from home. Filtered water is the best solution to drinking water. When bottling filtered water from your home, harmful contaminants are removed. Plastic is not used in the bottling process, fuel for transportation is decreased, and the decrease of demand for products lessens overall oil consumption.
Poison for our bodies, poison for our water system, poison for our soils... Oil is poison for our planet!
Learn more about filtered water here.
Imagine a world where you knew you were always getting clean, filtered water.
P.S. You too can follow the Plastic Pollution Coalition on FB here.
P.S.S. Stephanie Soechtig thank you for living to be extraordinary. Cheers!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
The Political Pulley System
After my blog post yesterday, a few friends thought I should elaborate more about what I mean by the political pulley system?
You see, I am not sure if you are like me or not?
Throughout life I just notice how passionate some people are, and how passionate some people are not about politics. More often than not, I have met people who share both republican values and democratic values, even though many belong to one party or the other.
I pay attention to the critics, as well. The other side of the coin.
You may have also noticed that others have a different perspective? Do you understand how they believe differently based on their experiences?
It is hard to believe one political party is truly better than the other? You see, in one election year, corporations are giving money to one political party.
Come next election year, the money will stay with that political party as long as business is good. If business is not going in a corporations favor, that business is likely to fund the current politician's opponent.
Alex Jones has been reporting about this for years at InfoWars. The battle of information seeking the truth.
Does this sound familiar? Have you experienced one president making promises, and once in office doing the opposite? Have you witnessed each president criticized for one thing or another?
Jesse Ventura, ex Navy Seal, former Governor of MN, author of "American Conspiracies" in his Larry King Live interview said, "everyone should be an independent".
Also published yesterday was another counter think cartoon - "America Today", by Mike Adams, the Natural News editor.
Mike sums up America's six biggest problems with six different counter think cartoons.
#1 Medicated Drivers
#2 Counterfeit Money Supply
#3 Zombie Population
#4 Washington Whores
#5 Gunpoint Medicine
#6 Toxic Food Supply
Now, I have been reading Natural News for quite some time, so I am familiar with Mike Adams opinions. I appreciate Mike's perspective, but I have my own.
The financial system controls the political system, thus using police and army forces to regulate for it. The financial system operates based on the US dollar, but the world economy is based on the US Consumer's demand.
If you are looking to understand this further. Annie Lenard tells The Story of Stuff, as part of The Story of Stuff Project.
Therefore, I really do not think the financial system is the consumers biggest issue. The idea is highlighted in "Robin Hood" (2010), there will always be kings and peasants. As long as the king is just, then there is no reason for Robin Hood to exist.
Feel free to refer back to my earlier blog post on "Life is a Pyramid!".
Mike Adams point #2 Counterfeit Money Supply is the wrong focal point of the problem. A solution is for the consumer to understand how the financial system works.
The financial system works based on economics; the law of supply and demand. When you the consumer spends money, you are voting and demanding for that way of life.
Corporations use marketing with partial truths to persuade you, the consumer, to spend your money. Basically voting for their company to exist. If the corporation had no customers then they would not be in business.
The lack of financial knowledge allows Mike Adams five other points to exist. Each of his other problems are all about where the money is flowing. Mike Adams points out the problems, but he does not provide the solutions.
Do you think the problems are too big? Do you find political issues make you feel helpless?
I call this battle the political pulley system. The financial system uses the two political parties to pull the emotions of the consumers back and forth between one party and the other. The current system never really provides you with a solution to live your life with sustainable habits.
In my next post, I am going to point out the solutions the consumers need to know about in order to better address the issues facing America, and the world. You making daily habit changes, and leading by example is what will change our world.
P.S. Big ups to Trey Smith for his T-shirt "Think Globally, Act Locally", which he wore at List Control. This mindset goes along ways towards making the world sustainable.
You see, I am not sure if you are like me or not?
Throughout life I just notice how passionate some people are, and how passionate some people are not about politics. More often than not, I have met people who share both republican values and democratic values, even though many belong to one party or the other.
I pay attention to the critics, as well. The other side of the coin.
You may have also noticed that others have a different perspective? Do you understand how they believe differently based on their experiences?
It is hard to believe one political party is truly better than the other? You see, in one election year, corporations are giving money to one political party.
Come next election year, the money will stay with that political party as long as business is good. If business is not going in a corporations favor, that business is likely to fund the current politician's opponent.
Alex Jones has been reporting about this for years at InfoWars. The battle of information seeking the truth.
Does this sound familiar? Have you experienced one president making promises, and once in office doing the opposite? Have you witnessed each president criticized for one thing or another?
Jesse Ventura, ex Navy Seal, former Governor of MN, author of "American Conspiracies" in his Larry King Live interview said, "everyone should be an independent".
Also published yesterday was another counter think cartoon - "America Today", by Mike Adams, the Natural News editor.
Mike sums up America's six biggest problems with six different counter think cartoons.
#1 Medicated Drivers
#2 Counterfeit Money Supply
#3 Zombie Population
#4 Washington Whores
#5 Gunpoint Medicine
#6 Toxic Food Supply
Now, I have been reading Natural News for quite some time, so I am familiar with Mike Adams opinions. I appreciate Mike's perspective, but I have my own.
The financial system controls the political system, thus using police and army forces to regulate for it. The financial system operates based on the US dollar, but the world economy is based on the US Consumer's demand.
If you are looking to understand this further. Annie Lenard tells The Story of Stuff, as part of The Story of Stuff Project.
Therefore, I really do not think the financial system is the consumers biggest issue. The idea is highlighted in "Robin Hood" (2010), there will always be kings and peasants. As long as the king is just, then there is no reason for Robin Hood to exist.
Feel free to refer back to my earlier blog post on "Life is a Pyramid!".
Mike Adams point #2 Counterfeit Money Supply is the wrong focal point of the problem. A solution is for the consumer to understand how the financial system works.
The financial system works based on economics; the law of supply and demand. When you the consumer spends money, you are voting and demanding for that way of life.
Corporations use marketing with partial truths to persuade you, the consumer, to spend your money. Basically voting for their company to exist. If the corporation had no customers then they would not be in business.
The lack of financial knowledge allows Mike Adams five other points to exist. Each of his other problems are all about where the money is flowing. Mike Adams points out the problems, but he does not provide the solutions.
Do you think the problems are too big? Do you find political issues make you feel helpless?
I call this battle the political pulley system. The financial system uses the two political parties to pull the emotions of the consumers back and forth between one party and the other. The current system never really provides you with a solution to live your life with sustainable habits.
In my next post, I am going to point out the solutions the consumers need to know about in order to better address the issues facing America, and the world. You making daily habit changes, and leading by example is what will change our world.
P.S. Big ups to Trey Smith for his T-shirt "Think Globally, Act Locally", which he wore at List Control. This mindset goes along ways towards making the world sustainable.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Future of Business and Education
Over Memorial Day weekend, I attended Frank Kern's List Control Event. Reflecting back on the weekend, there were a few things I wanted to share.
On Friday morning, I woke up and read Jeff Walker's blog titled, Powered by Internet Marketing?".
I had taken Jeff Walker's Product Launch Formula (PLF 2.3) class earlier this year. After the class he asked his students for a new business tag line. He chose "Powered by Internet Marketing".
Jeff Walker is one of the first internet marketers. He clearly understands the future and what the internet is doing for peoples lives. The internet allows for a lifestyle of personal freedoms.
Our economy is now at the point where the entrepreneur corrects the financial cycle; pulling the political pulley system of republicans and democrats to balance the financial system. The people get mad at the government and remember a big part of American history is the small business owner.
For example, today I received forward via email citing it took Jimmy Carter's administration to bring us Ronald Regan. Now, I am not republican nor democratic, but this is what I mean by pulley system.
Jeff Walkers blog was inspirational part of the weekend for me psyching me up for the conference.
On the train to San Diego I continued reading inspirational material, "The E Myth Revisited" by Michael Gerber. Just making me think deep about our current economic situation and internet marketing. This book walks a small business owner through the emotions and feelings of being a small business owner. A great read for business owners.
Internet marketing is a financial pulley system all its own, and actually one I am much more fond of. You see internet marketers are all about serving the needs of others; empowering people to better their own lives through continued education.
Internet marketing is about being an entrepreneur, it is about working within the financial system, and it is about empowering others with education.
I hope you are noticing I am stressing this education thing.
It is an education system operating in the financial system allowing people to trade their cash for content.
If the world is to be sustainable improving the education level across the planet is a must.
You see, the financial system rules the world and our mind rules our capabilities. The internet provides this perfect medium for mindset and business to operate within the financial system.
Spending money is how people vote; where people spend is what determines supply and demand.
On Sunday night after the event, I was up in my hotel room trying to handle all of the information I had just taken in. There was just an incredible amount of content for me.
I began trying to think about my information product I needed to create. I just have so many ideas... product on the digestive system, product on internet marketing, product on making it all work together, product on overall health?
I began watching Eben Pagan's blog for the release of his GURU Blueprint, which is a course he has designed to help people release a product. In the video he used social proof as to how the internet has evolved.
His social proof was referencing quotes from a Bill Gates article titled "Content is King" written in 1996.
Eben Pagan was giving stats about his success in information products. In his sales video to buy GURU Blueprint he demonstrated the demand by going to the Apple Store and watching all the people come and go while mentioning iPad sales were 300,000 in the first day.
The internet is not only the future of business, but also the future of education. A place where the supply can meet demand for what anyone wants to know.
I learned a lot over Memorial Day weekend, and I am excited to continue implementing it.
On Friday morning, I woke up and read Jeff Walker's blog titled, Powered by Internet Marketing?".
I had taken Jeff Walker's Product Launch Formula (PLF 2.3) class earlier this year. After the class he asked his students for a new business tag line. He chose "Powered by Internet Marketing".
Jeff Walker is one of the first internet marketers. He clearly understands the future and what the internet is doing for peoples lives. The internet allows for a lifestyle of personal freedoms.
Our economy is now at the point where the entrepreneur corrects the financial cycle; pulling the political pulley system of republicans and democrats to balance the financial system. The people get mad at the government and remember a big part of American history is the small business owner.
For example, today I received forward via email citing it took Jimmy Carter's administration to bring us Ronald Regan. Now, I am not republican nor democratic, but this is what I mean by pulley system.
Jeff Walkers blog was inspirational part of the weekend for me psyching me up for the conference.
On the train to San Diego I continued reading inspirational material, "The E Myth Revisited" by Michael Gerber. Just making me think deep about our current economic situation and internet marketing. This book walks a small business owner through the emotions and feelings of being a small business owner. A great read for business owners.
Internet marketing is a financial pulley system all its own, and actually one I am much more fond of. You see internet marketers are all about serving the needs of others; empowering people to better their own lives through continued education.
Internet marketing is about being an entrepreneur, it is about working within the financial system, and it is about empowering others with education.
I hope you are noticing I am stressing this education thing.
It is an education system operating in the financial system allowing people to trade their cash for content.
If the world is to be sustainable improving the education level across the planet is a must.
You see, the financial system rules the world and our mind rules our capabilities. The internet provides this perfect medium for mindset and business to operate within the financial system.
Spending money is how people vote; where people spend is what determines supply and demand.
On Sunday night after the event, I was up in my hotel room trying to handle all of the information I had just taken in. There was just an incredible amount of content for me.
I began trying to think about my information product I needed to create. I just have so many ideas... product on the digestive system, product on internet marketing, product on making it all work together, product on overall health?
I began watching Eben Pagan's blog for the release of his GURU Blueprint, which is a course he has designed to help people release a product. In the video he used social proof as to how the internet has evolved.
His social proof was referencing quotes from a Bill Gates article titled "Content is King" written in 1996.
Eben Pagan was giving stats about his success in information products. In his sales video to buy GURU Blueprint he demonstrated the demand by going to the Apple Store and watching all the people come and go while mentioning iPad sales were 300,000 in the first day.
The internet is not only the future of business, but also the future of education. A place where the supply can meet demand for what anyone wants to know.
I learned a lot over Memorial Day weekend, and I am excited to continue implementing it.
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