
Monday, February 22, 2010

Conspiracy 's (cont.): A New World Order

Most people are simple creatures and want an easy life. Others are in positions in life, where they need to make tougher decisions for the larger population, for instance politicians and bankers. The US is a democracy and we were founded on the principles of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Does the Bill of Rights, truly still apply?

Since the American Revolution we have come a long way. The United States Treasury and Federal Reserve have been created. America's education system was developed. The American dollar has been taken off the gold standard.

The Treasury and Federal Reserve are not American. The people cannot even audit the Federal Reserve. Somewhere along the line, our politicians have been given the power, not to listen to the American people. Politicians have been forced into making decisions that follow the money. Such as, granting themselves their retirement packages.

Money now controls politics instead of the American people.

I find this blog very easy to write, while answering a question posed by a republican candidate for Wisconsin Governor, Scott Walker. "After a year what is your stance on the bailout?"

Economically the stimulus does not matter if you understand the new financial system. As long as the US prints money then the world prints money. This is all just an idea based on a piece paper having a value.

Many people fear, the problem with the stimulus is that our money is being devalued as we print more, and more, as these cash injections are being pumped into our economy. The average American is questioning credit, and panicking about the word recession and depression.

Not all businesses are embracing credit cards as a form of payment. This is a set back in our countries mindset. Banks are paying interest rates on debit card accounts encouraging the usage of credit cards. Embrace the change and play by the "new rules of money".

America has lost many industries to the outsourcing of jobs to other countries. Weak minded it is easy to blame the government and complain about life, as unemployment checks are collected. This is the mindset of a person who is falling behind and acting like it is a recession. An entrepreneurial mindset see's this opportunity as a progression.

If you talk with a personal or business banker you may find their perspective quite interesting. The bailout worked!

The good news is bailing out the banking system saved the world from a huge financial meltdown. You see the global financial system is based on the US dollar, and the global economy is based on the spending of Americans, and the American Dollar. This is all based on supply and demand. The consumers demanded, the banks supplied. Without the gold standard; we live within this new financial system.

Many people are concerned about the Chinese wanting to collect our debt, or switching the global dollar away from the American dollar. If this were to happen, it would show America becoming weak, and our country would panic more.

China is already starting to see the effects of our economy, other countries not feeling our effect, will feel the effect of China. Greece, Spain, and Portugal are all recently in the news with governments being financially challenged, and faced with tough decisions.

In order for more and more people to live this "better life", it is necessary for the new financial system to exist. Credit was expanded, the majority of consumers did not have the financial knowledge to continue the worlds economic progression. These were tough decisions made by politicians.

The country was stimulated, the banks have been saved and the people were saved from lots of headaches. Had the big banks failed, then small banks would have failed, and FDIC insurance would have failed. Arguably the economy is not in a recession.

FDIC is whole another problem in and of itself, much like Medicare and social security, more on that later.

When people see others living life with a certain standard, it makes others want the "better life”. With knowledge comes power, and now poorer people know this new way of life exists.

“If we know the world can be lived like this, then why do we not live like that,” type attitude. This is precisely why the American people are so mad about the bailout; bankers are living a different life than the average American.

Americans wanted cheaper things, so cheaper labor was required. Jobs had to be outsourced overseas, because America has unions and “we all deserve equality”.

Thus, supply and demand, more Americans were living a “better life” and were having more wants.

This is the part of the story where the Bankers were in a difficult position, and had to make difficult decisions for the rest of the people. Money was off the gold standard and bankers had the ability through time, as laws continued to change, to create more and more credit. Politicians followed the money and changed laws allowing the whole banking scandal to occur.

This angers me that bankers and politicians could work together to change the world, at the expense of American tax payers. Yes the stimulus successfully worked from a financial stand point. From the American tax payer perspective, they were robbed and no one had to answer to the banking scandal happening. More and more countries are now being taxed and it is the banking system reaping all the profits. The New World Order is the world's elite rich financially controlling governments.

The problem is the Americans were not financially educated enough to handle the extended credit and found themselves unable to pay their bills. Rather than creating cash flow, Americans were buying toys and spending money on play and leisure. The creation of the New World order is turning the working class into the poor class, and creating a larger separation between rich and poor within America.

Leaving the politicians to follow the money, and bailout the banks with this stimulus.

The question I have is, will the New World Order be a “democracy” based on capitalism or socialism? I put democracy in quotes because I also question. Whether the New World Order will be based on our Bill of Rights and Constitution? Will the world demand the Chinese be our model for New World Order government?

This conspiracy can be traced back in history as the hunger for power. All falling back to the financial conspiracy, currency; conspiracy’s are not bad they just try to tie the world into working order. It takes money to make money, so they say. The rich are creating money to better the lives of the world, creating this new world order.

Throughout history the world has just been changing and adapting to Americans lives, and since 1990 the Chinese have gotten into the global world. That amount of people consuming can throw some wrenches in a well thought out plan. You and I are living during this stage of history.

The financial conspiracy ultimately is making the rich, richer. They are gaining more and more power. A New World Order conspiracy is creating a world of peace and sustainability. Is it though? Many nations are advanced and learning, but there’s still more land to be developed, which continues the cycle of currency, the financial conspiracy.

Are the world elite rich making all their profits in a globally sustainable way?

I do not think so, the consumer must hold the financial system liable. One solution being the price of gold per ounce being equal to the amount of currency in the world. Mike Maloney is right about the value of gold increasing to $15,000 per ounce. People will want a gold standard.

Based on the billions of dollars in mortgage resets in this year and in next. Our financial crisis is not over, either. Consumers need to vote with each dollar spent.

Scott Walker does not want to accept federal stimulus funds. As Americans, we as a whole need to pay off these debts, so Scott Walker refusing Wisconsin's portion of the stimulus just means Wisconsin is paying more federal debt compared to other states, if the money goes to another state.

Since the stimulus was approved we are foolish not to take it. Our state can use the money to make the infrastructure changes that are necessary, such as the high speed rail system. This will help to get off our countries need for oil. This is how so many rich people control the wealth. As a country we have been consuming tons of foreign oil, yet we know how much oil our own country has.

Republican politicians are now seeing huge oil contributions because high speed rails would drastically lower the consumer consumption of oil. Oil is a whole other conspiracy issue, more on that later.

The problem with Democrats is all the creation of government jobs. Government employees do not have the motivation of an entrepreneur, and it is easy to slack at their jobs, driving up the amount of taxes needed to support our government. I Felt the need for jab at democrats because I really have no party affiliation.

How did this all happen?

When the Federal Reserve was created, our financial system was no longer American. When the American dollar was taken off the gold standard, the new world order was created.

History is in the makings, how each consumer lives his life will be making many future decisions. Each dollar spent is a vote for supporting the industries making up that way of life.

Are your life habits for a sustainable world?

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