Friday, February 26, 2010
Conspiracy's (cont.): Government
Americans have gotten away from participating in government. Special interest groups have been the ones participating with government. This is the world we live in today.
Today, the Constitution and Bill of Rights are not as our founding fathers intended. Large industries, which the world's elite rich are financially embedded in, such as oil, are controlling the government. Greed and profit are driving our politicians to have government making more decisions. The politicians are empowered by the world's elite rich to utilize government to do their bidding.
Currently their are dozens of different political documentaries. Each documentary points out the role government is playing, in whatever the basis of the film, the person who created the documentary is unveiling.
I have had more than one experience dealing with government inflicting it's control over my life or the people around me. When I was young and my parents were moving around, I found myself studying the American Revolution three times. First in 7th grade in Watertown, then in 8th grade in Platteville, and thirdly as a freshman in history class.
Studying the American Revolution for three straight years will give you a certain perception of how great this country is. As I grew older, attended college, graduated, became a bar owner and bought a home. I started to have real life experiences with what our government really is.
When my brother was arrested for distribution of marijuana that was a whole education in and of itself, as to what our judicial system is. That same judicial system is part of the American Government.
Let me briefly point out a few things, not defending his actions, just saying.
The first time he was arrested, I learned how the system works. When you get arrested and say nothing, you fall into a set of guidelines by just admitting guilt, and not forcing a trial. The police, use psychology to their advantage to try to get you to tell them what they want know. Knowing the "deal" they offer you is going to be the same outcome, as if you would have said nothing and just admitted guilt.
The second time he was arrested, I learned how if he got caught. The penalties where not that bad; the risk was worth the reward. In his mind!
The third time he was arrested, I learned about the federal judicial system while noticing more flaws in the State's. My brother proved again, saying nothing and admitting guilt, placed you into a tier of consequences, and the judge chose your outcome from a list of guidelines. This time was different though, he was still on paper for his original arrest with State charges and had to answer to them too.
The whole time his federal case was taking place he was waiving rights within the state system because they were promising him concurrent time. After the Feds sentenced him to 37 months and 8 years paper, mandating 120 urine tests. The State, in our current economic state and debt, chose to spend more money on him.
The State of Wisconsin wanted their own trial in La Crosse. They even spent taxpayers dollars on scheduling more trials, so the prosecution could have more time in the day in and day out actions of their lives to prepare. My brother's attorney was offering a minimum sentence as an agreement, he was not asking for the State to just look the other way. At trial, the State was even now attempting to have him sit separate time, instead of concurrent time.
Taxpayers do not even realize what is happening. The State spent money on two officers driving three and half hours one way to pull my brother out of federal prison, to have him brought back in front of a judge in La Crosse, and then had to take him back to the federal prison. Involving more tax dollars with his state sentence, sentencing him to 48 months with 9 years paper. Thankfully the judge agreed to a concurrent sentence. However, this is a little repetitive. Tax dollars are being spent on him Federally and on a State level.
You see, the judicial system is a financial business. More prisoners means more money from the taxpayer. The US government ultimately owes money to the Federal Reserve, which is owned by the world's elite rich. People being locked up makes them more money!
How can Americans expect prisoners to change once you understand the lessons prisoners are learning from the judicial system? It is like a parent grounding their child, and confining them to their room as punishment. The difference is parents do not profit from this form of punishment.
The conspiracy is using the government to enforce their agenda and the government uses the prison system to enforce their agenda.
Why are American prison systems growing? Who are the majority of offenders? Why do prisoners keep repeating offenses?
To prevent me from going into all kinds of local La Crosse government issues, I have A Better La Crosse blog. Yes, the conspiracy's of governments start on a local levels.
As a home owner and a property taxpayer, we cannot change our Federal government until we start on a local and state level. This takes being involved and knowing what is taking place to others in this country, but it starts locally.
Just like in the American Revolution, the people came together and fought for justice. What issues are important to you?
Every person against Health Care Reform or any federal issue, needs to contact their state representatives. If state representatives do not vote as the people request, then it is time to find new representatives. It is the people who keep re-electing these officials, who take campaign contributions from corporate America that are making the decisions for the people, not the people. Have you ever written your Senator, Congressmen, or Governor?
Will the people learn a financial education, and how cash flow really works? What will be the new world order? Will the people regain control of the government?
Monday, February 22, 2010
Conspiracy 's (cont.): A New World Order
Does the Bill of Rights, truly still apply?
Since the American Revolution we have come a long way. The United States Treasury and Federal Reserve have been created. America's education system was developed. The American dollar has been taken off the gold standard.
The Treasury and Federal Reserve are not American. The people cannot even audit the Federal Reserve. Somewhere along the line, our politicians have been given the power, not to listen to the American people. Politicians have been forced into making decisions that follow the money. Such as, granting themselves their retirement packages.
Money now controls politics instead of the American people.
I find this blog very easy to write, while answering a question posed by a republican candidate for Wisconsin Governor, Scott Walker. "After a year what is your stance on the bailout?"
Economically the stimulus does not matter if you understand the new financial system. As long as the US prints money then the world prints money. This is all just an idea based on a piece paper having a value.
Many people fear, the problem with the stimulus is that our money is being devalued as we print more, and more, as these cash injections are being pumped into our economy. The average American is questioning credit, and panicking about the word recession and depression.
Not all businesses are embracing credit cards as a form of payment. This is a set back in our countries mindset. Banks are paying interest rates on debit card accounts encouraging the usage of credit cards. Embrace the change and play by the "new rules of money".
America has lost many industries to the outsourcing of jobs to other countries. Weak minded it is easy to blame the government and complain about life, as unemployment checks are collected. This is the mindset of a person who is falling behind and acting like it is a recession. An entrepreneurial mindset see's this opportunity as a progression.
If you talk with a personal or business banker you may find their perspective quite interesting. The bailout worked!
The good news is bailing out the banking system saved the world from a huge financial meltdown. You see the global financial system is based on the US dollar, and the global economy is based on the spending of Americans, and the American Dollar. This is all based on supply and demand. The consumers demanded, the banks supplied. Without the gold standard; we live within this new financial system.
Many people are concerned about the Chinese wanting to collect our debt, or switching the global dollar away from the American dollar. If this were to happen, it would show America becoming weak, and our country would panic more.
China is already starting to see the effects of our economy, other countries not feeling our effect, will feel the effect of China. Greece, Spain, and Portugal are all recently in the news with governments being financially challenged, and faced with tough decisions.
In order for more and more people to live this "better life", it is necessary for the new financial system to exist. Credit was expanded, the majority of consumers did not have the financial knowledge to continue the worlds economic progression. These were tough decisions made by politicians.
The country was stimulated, the banks have been saved and the people were saved from lots of headaches. Had the big banks failed, then small banks would have failed, and FDIC insurance would have failed. Arguably the economy is not in a recession.
FDIC is whole another problem in and of itself, much like Medicare and social security, more on that later.
When people see others living life with a certain standard, it makes others want the "better life”. With knowledge comes power, and now poorer people know this new way of life exists.
“If we know the world can be lived like this, then why do we not live like that,” type attitude. This is precisely why the American people are so mad about the bailout; bankers are living a different life than the average American.
Americans wanted cheaper things, so cheaper labor was required. Jobs had to be outsourced overseas, because America has unions and “we all deserve equality”.
Thus, supply and demand, more Americans were living a “better life” and were having more wants.
This is the part of the story where the Bankers were in a difficult position, and had to make difficult decisions for the rest of the people. Money was off the gold standard and bankers had the ability through time, as laws continued to change, to create more and more credit. Politicians followed the money and changed laws allowing the whole banking scandal to occur.
This angers me that bankers and politicians could work together to change the world, at the expense of American tax payers. Yes the stimulus successfully worked from a financial stand point. From the American tax payer perspective, they were robbed and no one had to answer to the banking scandal happening. More and more countries are now being taxed and it is the banking system reaping all the profits. The New World Order is the world's elite rich financially controlling governments.
The problem is the Americans were not financially educated enough to handle the extended credit and found themselves unable to pay their bills. Rather than creating cash flow, Americans were buying toys and spending money on play and leisure. The creation of the New World order is turning the working class into the poor class, and creating a larger separation between rich and poor within America.
Leaving the politicians to follow the money, and bailout the banks with this stimulus.
The question I have is, will the New World Order be a “democracy” based on capitalism or socialism? I put democracy in quotes because I also question. Whether the New World Order will be based on our Bill of Rights and Constitution? Will the world demand the Chinese be our model for New World Order government?
This conspiracy can be traced back in history as the hunger for power. All falling back to the financial conspiracy, currency; conspiracy’s are not bad they just try to tie the world into working order. It takes money to make money, so they say. The rich are creating money to better the lives of the world, creating this new world order.
Throughout history the world has just been changing and adapting to Americans lives, and since 1990 the Chinese have gotten into the global world. That amount of people consuming can throw some wrenches in a well thought out plan. You and I are living during this stage of history.
The financial conspiracy ultimately is making the rich, richer. They are gaining more and more power. A New World Order conspiracy is creating a world of peace and sustainability. Is it though? Many nations are advanced and learning, but there’s still more land to be developed, which continues the cycle of currency, the financial conspiracy.
Are the world elite rich making all their profits in a globally sustainable way?
I do not think so, the consumer must hold the financial system liable. One solution being the price of gold per ounce being equal to the amount of currency in the world. Mike Maloney is right about the value of gold increasing to $15,000 per ounce. People will want a gold standard.
Based on the billions of dollars in mortgage resets in this year and in next. Our financial crisis is not over, either. Consumers need to vote with each dollar spent.
Scott Walker does not want to accept federal stimulus funds. As Americans, we as a whole need to pay off these debts, so Scott Walker refusing Wisconsin's portion of the stimulus just means Wisconsin is paying more federal debt compared to other states, if the money goes to another state.
Since the stimulus was approved we are foolish not to take it. Our state can use the money to make the infrastructure changes that are necessary, such as the high speed rail system. This will help to get off our countries need for oil. This is how so many rich people control the wealth. As a country we have been consuming tons of foreign oil, yet we know how much oil our own country has.
Republican politicians are now seeing huge oil contributions because high speed rails would drastically lower the consumer consumption of oil. Oil is a whole other conspiracy issue, more on that later.
The problem with Democrats is all the creation of government jobs. Government employees do not have the motivation of an entrepreneur, and it is easy to slack at their jobs, driving up the amount of taxes needed to support our government. I Felt the need for jab at democrats because I really have no party affiliation.
How did this all happen?
When the Federal Reserve was created, our financial system was no longer American. When the American dollar was taken off the gold standard, the new world order was created.
History is in the makings, how each consumer lives his life will be making many future decisions. Each dollar spent is a vote for supporting the industries making up that way of life.
Are your life habits for a sustainable world?
Friday, February 19, 2010
The Conspiracy’s of Life: Financial
Conspiracies can be good and bad. They just depend on who you are and where you are in life. My concern is whether the conspiracy is good for the world. Are you worried about a sustainable planet?
Robert Kiyosaki writes about the financial conspiracy. What is this conspiracy?
The financial conspiracy is currency. You accept that a piece of paper equals in value, goods being received, or work being completed.
My friend, a financial planner and I were debating about this conspiracy. You see, I tell him he works for the conspiracy. I argue points and he argues points. We each agree with one another that depending on your situation, things are going to be different.
So why would I say he works for the conspiracy? Does that mean financial advisers and planners are evil?
No I do not think so.
Financial planners and advisers play different roles; my friend was quick to point that out. People are not in the same place in life mentally or financially. Financially people can fall into similar situations, and different or similar routes are taken to achieve success. Mentally each person travels the same route.
So the fundamental difference between thinking like me and thinking like my friend, is a person’s mindset and place in life.
“Thinking like my friend,” let me clarify a little.
Since my friend is what I deem working for the conspiracy, he would not like to think of it as a conspiracy. The word conspiracy just makes people get all bent out of shape; that cannot be good for his business. Clarification again, his business is an excellent business, for the right person.
The fundamental difference is mindset; the conspiracy is the financial system. When you are in the right place in life, then financial advisers and the stock market are for you. If you do not know the financial system, then a financial planner is for you. This is what my friend is trying to prove to me.
What I am trying to prove to him is that not all financial planners are good, but neither are all Doctors or any specialized professions. You have to find and work with the right person that understands you. I say he works for the conspiracy because he has laws that he must obey within his system.
Why do I feel so just debating with my friend?
Having my finance degree makes me feel as though I can debate with financial professionals. Obviously most professionals, rightfully so, would view themselves better than I when determining financial advice. They may have their masters, I do not. They definitely have received more certifications and licenses than I have.
The base of any business is cash flow. Without cash flow a business is not successful. Even with unsuccessful or start up businesses, cash must be injected to improve cash flow or the business fails.
I have listened to many different speakers talk on entrepreneurial mindset. I, unlike my friend, have read Robert Kiyosaki's book, “Conspiracy of the Rich”, played his board game, “CASHFLOW”, and have owned and operated my own business. I have had a financial planner, which I have worked with, since before I finished my bachelor’s degree.
Back to the mindset, he was educated by the conspiracy. Financial planning is part of the system within the conspiracy, being our financial system. A good financial planner would teach cash flow and ask the question of the client, “In your future how do you see yourself?” They would do whatever it takes in their power, to help you achieve financial freedom.
Maybe you do not have the vision of what you want in life financially?
Well, we all want an easy life and one we can enjoy. I call that financial freedom.
Who is going to argue with that life?
If you are young and have no money, then a financial planner suggests saving money, or making more. You see, ultimately their goal is for you to have money, to invest with them. They offer different financial products for different phases. I have not met a financial planner yet that does not want to work with investments.
If they did not want to work with investments, then they would be insurance sales people. Not a rip on insurance, those were my options graduating with a Finance degree.
You may not be young; we are not all young with no responsibilities. Insurance preys on your fears. If you are gone, what will your family do? Life insurance!
If you are hurt and you do not have the ability to work. How will you make money? Disability insurance!
What if you get injured or you become sick? Health Insurance!
How do you want to live your final days? Will you be able to afford it? Will your financial planner perform, did you rely on him or her?
These are all good questions, definitely questions that a person needs to be able to answer. Insurance is not a bad thing. If I have to answer some of these tough questions with the purchase of insurance, so be it.
In fact, I have purchased life, health, car and home insurance. They are written down as an expense and on the liability side of my balance sheet. A person's life is much like a business with different monthly cash flows.
Buy insurance, work hard, save money and make investments for retirement. This is the old school way of thinking. Not wrong, there is just new rules. Again, Robert Kiyosaki writes about these in "Conspiracy of the Rich". He offers current insight to anyone, access his website and become a member.
With a financial education and understanding of the financial system, I know, if my monthly, passive income cash flow is greater than my expenses or monthly liabilities. I am financially free!
So I ask, when choosing your financial plan, are you going to do something yourself to generate cash flow, or are you going to save and trust?
My friend works within the financial system of the financial conspiracy and is not allowed the option to show a person how to achieve short term financial freedom. The system means just doing for the client; what the client needs now.
Financial planners cannot put two people together for the purpose of conducting business. Making the education process of cash flow more difficult, unless you are right for one of their products.
“Conspiracy of the Rich” is about knowing your life could be different.
There is a reason Robert Kiyosaki became a New York’s Best Selling author with “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”. It is all about mindset! If this is the right path for you, then you need to develop the right mindset for your path.
It all starts with mindset, look where it has taken Robert Kiyosaki's popularity. If people were not becoming successful because of him then he would not have his popularity.
What is your mindset?
My problem with financial planners and the conspiracy is that the system does not empower others. The legal system, for how financial planners operate does not allow them to educate you fully about a financial education. They are taught to sell you on the idea; they know better,. what to do with your money, than you do. They do not empower you to do the work, so you know what is best to achieve financial freedom.
A bad financial planner is someone who does what you want them to.
Ok, ok, you are right, of course you want them to do what you want.
Here is where some questions need to be addressed. Do you want a teacher or person to get things done? Do you want to change or continue your current pattern in life? Are you happy with your given financial circumstance?
There is no wrong answer, the choice is yours. Each person is in a different place in life with a different mindset. I encourage others to learn. Once you are in a position in life to afford the person doing investments for you, then do so.
In “CASHFLOW” getting out of the rat race is easier for those who have less. Those that have more, and aspire for more, have more once out of the rat race, even though it takes longer. This game is a great learning tool.
The upside to my relationship with my friend is we both agree, you need a plan and that plan must be followed through. You need to stay the course of action with the guidance of your team, mentor, or coach. Choosing the right adviser, coach or mentor can be crucial.
Who do you share a vision and mission with? Are you like minded?
Monday, February 8, 2010
Life is a Pyramid!
Family is the first team you are born into and family becomes your first pyramid in life: Grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles, cousins, siblings, etc. Religion is the next pyramid for many. For me it was going through baptism at our local catholic church. The community you live in is a pyramid for government within our country.
There is the food pyramid, and all kinds of systems put into pyramids. Start at this level and graduate to the next. After step X, then comes step Y, and Z. You start at the base level for Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and the bottom of the spiral dynamics spectrum when born. From birth we are adapting through all levels of many pyramids, not just psychological ones.
MLM companies are tools for individuals to use to earn cash flow. When joining MLM companies you are joining their team. Just like any group, Lions Club, Boy and Girl Scouts, or Fraternities, you are expected to recruit others to join with you. Things are always better when doing it together.
In order for the group to exist, it cost money. A way to make things cheaper is to recruit others to join. Organizations or companies grow and adapt as their sales force changes. The pyramid adapts as the organization grows or shrinks.
Each MLM company has a system. The question is, is the system right for you? Do you want to spend money with this company for the rest of your life? Is this a short time income opportunity or life time opportunity? Will you work hard for a little while and reap benefits for life?
The Internet is nothing more than a system and a pyramid. It is called the Mastermind Group. People coming together to work and grow the pyramid as a team.
Search Engines were created allowing a place for people to gather information. Depending on the search engine, you work as part of their team to ensure your website is optimally configured. This is known as SEO, search engine optimization.
Blogging is natural SEO. Search Engines like blogging sites because the sites are updated frequently and the site is being used. This creates the system for someone to create Blogging Websites such as Wordpress or Blogger.
Blogging is part of the emotional connection with you the reader. Is the person writing the blog adding value to your life? When blogging, any topic is possible, as long as there is a need for people to want the information!
Networks are created; being networked is a big part of business. It is not about what you know, but who you know, and how you apply it. Examples of these sites are: BetterNetworker, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.
Each of these sites was developed by a person of the Mastermind that understood human psychology, and the sales process. Creating each of these sites makes the sales process easier. Belonging to these sites creates value for you using the tools of each site, no matter what the purpose.
All the tools used within each site were developed by a person of the Mastermind. Facebook, for example, uses lots of different software code: chat feature, PPC, SEO, Email, blogging.
In the beginning email sites were created to give each person a local address to be found on the internet. You have probably watched as Hotmail, Yahoo, and Google have adapted to the newer capabilities. Now, each site allows you an email, chat feature with updates like web cams, and the ability to belong to a network, just as a few examples of change.
Sales tools for communication are not only email or web cams.
Today’s world is web 2.0, auto responders, sites such as Skype, allowing business to be conducted from all parts of the world at one location online.
Part of adapting to the internet pyramid and the life pyramid is learning these different tools for your own system.
Will you be part of this process or miss the opportunity?
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Internet (cont.)
Right now on the internet there is a current market happening. Just like Wall Street, the internet has things happening right now, that will only be good deals for a short time. Soon, time will past and the opportunity will be gone.
What is this current market?
Currently, there are all kinds of work from home gurus on the internet. Each guru knows his or her own niche. Some gurus may know multiple niches, which makes them more like a manager or coach.
A single niche example might be pay per click (PPC) or search engine optimization (SEO). A person in either of these niches would be available for outsource, to any client looking to improve their websites. Either PPC or SEO are proven successful marketing avenues when applying the correct technique.
A guru starting to do coaching may utilize the basic marketing strategies, and teach you to do what he does in his niche market. This is additional revenue for this guru because he is earning money for selling his system to his niche.
The internet is ever growing and ever expanding, so gurus know this information will soon become basic knowledge. The opportunity now is to earn money teaching others.
Spending money to learn is a business expense and is pretax dollar for you. This is also, spending money on positive people with whom you trust. When following gurus, before purchasing learn about them, make sure they are worthy of you spending money on them. This will weed out the scam artist and unknowns as the trust worthy people become more well known.
As gurus develop into Master Gurus, they learn more and more of the internet marketing strategies, learning each different strategy to become more and more successful. Master Gurus may know all strategies personally or they may have a team of people. Together different specialist may put together products teaching both one another’s lists.
Today, there are more and more Master Gurus teaching the entire process of starting an online business. Each strategy applies to individuals with knowledge base information or local community businesses. Encouraging the outsourcing to the specialist as to not waste time learning to become one.
These internet Master Gurus need you to work and be on the internet, so the internet can grow. They are doing so teaching you ways to use the internet. Human psychology is highly involved in how a person learns to develop this model. Each guru is an employee for the Mastermind.
The first process is changing your mindset so you understand the potential of being a better person and having success in your life. Not to say some people are not already successful. All people are in different stages of these different mindsets: The mindset process to work as a team; the mindset of “Cash Flow” and a financial education; the mindset to lead and educate others of the process. Each person is in a different level of each of these different mindsets.
The process for you begins with understanding only you can do the work to make it happen!
It starts with changing simple daily habits and adapting newer methods of application. Adapt to the ever changing new world or fall behind!
I have been missing the ball on this one myself. Instead of purchasing some of the information a long time ago. I have been wasting time watching internet marketers develop. People like Jonathon Budd, Mike Dillard, Jeff Walker, Jeff Johnson, Eben Pagan the list goes on. I should have already been developing myself.
So right now currently being on the internet, the best thing a person can do is promote affiliate programs from mentors. People you know are going to give brilliant information. Choose a product that is right for your mindset. Find the product that will help you grow. If it helps, give credit to where credit is due by promoting a product. Earn a little extra money for sharing information.
Once you are part of these communities, opportunities for new systems are arising everyday, and the opportunity to jump in is limited. You only know if you participate. These are cash flowing business opportunities!
In today's world are you worried about your job? Are you worried inflation costs are going to cause you to find an additional job? Will one job not be enough?
Are you already an entrepreneur wanting to utilize the most up to date internet marketing strategies? Do you want to grow and expand your business?
Do you want to adapt to this new internet world?
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Why the Internet?
When choosing a physical store to start a business it is all about location, location, location. Why? A better location makes the store accessible to more traffic. The internet makes your store available to the world.
As the web world grows, more competition is created amongst those in similar industries or coming from similar knowledge based backgrounds. Through history a person has always developed more power by having more territories and followers. The internet and computers allow anyone with access, the ability to touch others lives’ without ever meeting them.
The simple act of creating blogs which cost nothing, give you the ability to emotionally connect with potential prospects or clients. The prospect or client can decide as to whether or not you add value to their life.
Facebook and Myspace are examples of social networks that give you the ability to show the people your real life and show them you are not just a blogger but a regular person. These tools allow you to connect with hundreds, even thousands of people. Building lasting, strong relationships is big part of life.
Once a client or prospect finds value in you they are willing to give you their email address. An email address is nothing overly personal. If so chosen, a person can always stop receiving messages from you and vice versa; you can stop receiving email from others. The internet will not stand for spamming, those sites get shutdown.
In business, follow up is crucial to success. Once a person trusts you or your business enough to provide that email address. The email address becomes the primary source for follow up.
It can be used simply as a monthly newsletter or it can be used to find a target market, build a stronger list. You have the ability to write one follow up email and use it over and over again, sending it to each client specifically at the right time. The tools are there so you do the work once and it will continue to prosper for you.
Why are these tools available?
Again the concept is a numbers game. How many people belong to Facebook or Myspace? The amounts of traffic created on those sites allow for a place to advertise. The sites are free to sign up for, lots of revenue is generated from advertising.
A developer creates software for a system that just needs people to use it and revenue is created. Sometimes it gets outdated, sometimes it seems as though it may last a lifetime. Time will tell!
Each of these systems has been done to simplify the internet, to make it easier for more people to exist on the internet in business.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Robert Kiyosaki (cont.)
Dad says, “Gold can only be cash once sold”, and mentions that investing in gold is not investing in monthly cash flow. This reminds me of my recent discussion with a friend, whom just became a financial adviser for Northwestern Mutual. He argued that Robert contradicts himself by saying to invest in cash flow because he recalls reading a book where Robert suggests buying penny stocks or startup companies. He argues the average person cannot afford to invest for cash flow.
Both my Dad and my friend argue very good points. I received my Bachelor’s in Finance with an emphasis in Risk Management and Insurance. I was licensed to sell insurance; I can understand where my friend is coming from. Ending the conversation with my friend, I told him he would just have to read “Conspiracy of the Rich” for himself. After all, you have your own learning curve and transform through the Graves System at your own pace.
My friend works for the conspiracy. I agree with him some people have good jobs, are starting families, and want to have life and health insurance. Robert’s point though is, if you have a financial education and are invested for cash flow than you have no reason to worry about life insurance because cash flow is being left behind, as long as it is managed properly.
Well is that not what a financial adviser does? Do they not manage your paper assets in a portfolio? Robert utilizes management companies to handle this for many of his businesses. In fact, it is an expense for him as an entrepreneur.
Robert’s point I was trying to make to my Father about gold was that he suggests gold and silver as safe vehicles for holding money. As a place to currently hold your earnings from cash flow investments. To an older investor who is established, they need to diversify their portfolio.
Not everyone is in the same place or position in life. Some people have to work their jobs just to pay their bills. Others have cash to invest into startup companies, as a way of making big money, to have the potential to earn dividends, which is a cash flow. Different people need to make different decisions. Financial advisers are important people, for some people. If you are looking for one, I know one working for Northwestern Mutual!
Again, in the book my friend refers to, Robert was writing for the times. If you read his older books now, there is great value in seeing things from his perspective. The financial markets go up and down in cycles. "The rich make money in an up market, horizontal market, and down market."
In this case with Robert’s most recent post online, he is speaking to a person of his generation that might be worried about retirement and want to have their money in a safe place. The post was written as a rejection to someone who was arguing not to invest in gold and silver. He was writing from a perspective to give you the other side of the coin and allowing you to choose for yourself depending on where you are in life. For instance, like me, a person may not have excess cash lying around to make gold or silver purchases, even if they agree with Robert.
The money sitting in 401k’s are taxed as income once the money starts coming out of the accounts. Would you rather pay taxes on that money or use that money as a business expense investing into a business that cash flows? Will you trust Wall Street or yourself? Or maybe you have not even thought about money like this?
I have been beginning to see money in a whole different way. It is the tool people use to vote each time they spend money. Examples: “I vote for this plumber, I will spend my money here on him because he supports the local community with donations;” “I will buy food from this farmer knowing I trust their business practices;” “This dentist is nicer than that one, I choose to pay him.”
For whatever the reason, when you spend money with whomever, you are in essence voting that you approve of them or their business practices.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Why Robert Kiyosaki?
I appreciate all the financial insight of Robert because he gives people the financial tools to learn to play the game. As an entrepreneur you pay taxes last, not first. I am not saying entrepreneurs do not pay taxes, they pay plenty of them.
In Europe, France, Germany, and Italy are all coming out of recessions. Each of those governments is supporting the local, small businesses (capitalism). To me, this makes sense! Everyone is always talking about supporting local and buying domestic; do business with people that do business with you; and always help your neighbor. To me, Robert only makes sense because if everyone treated their lives as a business this would help create more of a flat tax and more people would pay taxes last.
America is no longer a country of manufacturing and industry. We are a service and knowledge base economy. In order for America to continue to grow and maintain being the strongest country in the world more people need to accept this role of being an entrepreneur. Robert predicts that the next strongest country to come out of this current world affair; will be the first country whom teaches the majority of its citizens about “Cash Flow”, giving them a financial education.
Robert, for instance, utilized his business skills, in order to protect himself, so that he could produce an intellectual piece of property, and use it to teach financial education.
Parents can teach children so they learn they have to work. An example would be helping out around the house. For helping out around the house the parents could pay them an allowance. Now this is only received if the tasks are completed. Sort of like the real world, if you do not work, you do not get paid.
When paying your children you can do things, such as teach them about taxes by physically taking back 50% of what their allowance is. That tax helps them eat and go on vacation, for example. 10% could be kept as a tide, religious purposes or give to others, so they can give to you type life lessons. Parents can start teaching a financial education even if our school system does not.
Robert Kiyosaki has made billions and continues to make more millions. He is like any other internet marketer, he has succeeded, and as he succeeded he has led others along the way. He has formed a system and a team. He teaches this system he calls the “B-I Triangle”.
Robert’s career is different from internet marketing because he has done it “old school”. He published books as intellectual property and produced a board game. It was not until his most recent book, “Conspiracy of the Rich” that he started using the internet. I mean, he published the book based on content he was creating at that very moment. Knowing he was now going to start reaching the online audience, but published the book to reach his book readers network.
In, “Before you Quit your Day Job”, Robert tells of how he learned and developed into the entrepreneur that he is today! This book entails his failures and how he was able to learn a lesson from them. He speaks of developing himself. To me this is just him going through the different levels of the Graves System. Remember all humans develop through different mental phases as they learn and adapt.
Let me recap the highlights all internet marketers use too!
- He has a system, “B-I Triangle”
- He tells a story, through his books, which allow him to hit emotional triggers
- He speaks in scarcity, this is what is happening now
- As he has developed, he has been able to develop “product”
- The people he creates a relationship with, that grow to trust him, are his future revenues
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Reminder from Dad
For a while now I have been stating, if America is to get healthier, then the “Heartland of America” needs to change. The two biggest crops in the Midwest are corn and soybeans. Both crops are the largest genetically modified crops in our food system today. The people of our country are demanding “health care reform”, but without changing the food we eat and without changing the food supplying our bodies, then the health of the global world will continue to be dis-eased ridden.
There were many informative parts in both movies. My favorite point made in “Food, Inc.” is the demonstration done within the political documentary that shows how, if the people want different food, then the people need to demand it. How can this be done? The movie explains this concept with an example of Wal-Mart carrying more organic selections. People need to demand this by spending their money on the type of foods that are healthy, and then the larger corporations will supply them.
In “King Corn” I learned more about the farming history of corn. It was in 1973 that the Secretary of Agriculture transformed our food supply. Americans have been demanding cheap food and the government has been supplying it by subsidizing farmer’s crops. My dad knew this was Earl Butz.
In having this discussion with my father, I was affixing blame to the government. “The government subsidizes corn, the government does allows these things in our foods, the government allows stage IV approval of a drug to be after publicly releasing and marketing the drug to the population, etc.”
Dad was quick to point out to me though that this does not have anything to do with the government. He would not allow me to blame the government. He reminded me that the government in America is the “people”.
So the next day, I was reading in the forum from, Robert Kiyosaki asked the question, “What are ways the government could go about creating entrepreneurs instead of just jobs?” I replied,
Subject: Government?
“…I read your question as "What are ways the "people" could go about creating entrepreneurs instead of jobs?" Well this is being done, as others have mentioned with the MLM businesses and the internet. Internet marketers across the world are training others to be entrepreneurs.
People try to join a MLM business, but in order to succeed they must sell. So, then they start the process of becoming a ‘$ales Dog’. This is too expensive for the majority of people to do (in their eyes).
It would be nice to see the people change the government, so the government would subsidize and make it cheaper to learn to be an entrepreneur. This probably will not happen though because of economics.
Economics is based on supply and demand, as each of us learned when we took our first economics class. The "people" choose to demand things such as cheap food by spending their money on such things. So, our government supplies cheap foods through subsidizing farmers to grow corn, and the “people” have dollar menus at fast food restaurants.
A better question Robert, would be, "How can the people create demand for more entrepreneurs so that our government will supply it?"
Monday, February 1, 2010
Living to Change (cont.)
Each of those people specializes in one area of expertise based on the one area they have studied. You can learn a lot about yourself when you are willing to take criticism from so many different specialists. When holding yourself personally responsible and accountable, you have to ask one of two questions. “What can I do to help?” or “How can I help?”
This is what each specialist can do for you. Who are these people in your life? Are you even willing to accept criticism to better your life?
We all start life with basic needs. A psychologist, Abraham Maslow, put together a pyramid theory of those needs called Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. As I strive towards self actualization, the top level of the pyramid, I have begun to notice many things about myself and I have learned about the changes I need to make in my life. I have accepted each of us as our own unique individual. We each travel through our own journey in life with different learning curves.
Clare Graves took this hierarchy one step further in order to create the Graves Value System, known today as spiral dynamics. It is at the top level that I strive to attain. A person at the top level is a global, holistic thinker who is trans-personal with collective consciousness. For instance, spiral dynamics is used by corporations to expand the psychological levels of their management team(s). Clare Graves discovered the different psychological stages people transform through, although not all people evolve. The potential for all people to evolve is possible.
Learn to evolve through accepting different criticism from different specialist that make up your team in life!